Metal Gear Survive Official Trailer - Gamescom 2016

To me, Metal Gear has and will always be the most cinematic franchise I have ever played. The entire idea of intertwining actual history with the MG mythos was perfect. Hideo was a revolutionary.

Now, I may be disappointed that he isn't attached to this project even though it bares the title...

But it's a spin-off...

Set in an alternate universe...

Why would he need to be a part of it?

This game looks interesting as hell and was completely out of left-field for me.

Now, I haven't seen any of the game's mechanics or content other than the pre-rendered shit seen in the video, but, when I think about it...the concept is a pretty cool idea.

My first title in the franchise was Snakes Revenge. I was an avid fan for a long time and absolutely hated the idea of Metal Gear Rising when it was announced...but yet when I played it, it was a a breathe of fresh air to be honest.

I'll buy this because I love Metal Gear and the concept sounds fun as fuck. Not to mention it will obviously contain content and elements from the series.

If there is a chance that I get to play as Ocelot versus a horde of zombies...I'm fucking in.

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