Fucking downvoters

To be honest, Reddit has helped me tremendously by desensitizing me to negative feedback/replies. I've accepted that it's quite alright for people to disagree with me however they choose. I encourage you to keep posting any random comment thought you may have. Create another throwaway account and use it to test out new comments you want to share on reddit.

I've come to realize, absolutely no one cares what I write. I am totally anonymous..or as anonymous as I can be. In some comments I can write I'm 20 and other comments I can be in my thirties with kids trying to relate an idea. Who cares. I'm not saying be a sociopathic liar, but on Reddit, if it helps you feel more anonymous by posting red herrings, then do so if it means you can express yourself more freely. I can be more honest in many posts, and a complete ass troll in others. For me, writing careless or sometimes troll-like comments helps brace me for negative reactions. I get used to it, and I learn not to care so much. So when I do post something I care about and am downvoted, it just doesn't bother me nearly as much.

/r/depression Thread