MGTOW & Gay Men - What is your opinon?

MGTOW, as I see it, has little to do with sexual attraction. At its heart lie the rejection of gynocentric human nature, the opting out of a social contract immensely biased towards women and the belief that none of these can be acted upon through policy making (the MRA perspective). It is not that if you want to be a MGTOW, you have to be attracted to women and reject relationships with them. Rather, if you want to be a MGTOW and are attracted to women, you have to refuse to participate in serious relationships with them. It is the logical and unavoidable outcome of being a MGTOW for heterosexuals.

Being gay doesn't save you from being part of the disposable sex. It will not grant you equal treatment with women in family courts (yes, some gays do have wives and children). It has no effect on the "women are wonderful" bias. It will not absolve you from being seen as the oppressor in conflicts... What I'm trying to get at is that being gay doesn't change the fact that you will be viewed and treated as any other male by the state and society. Therefore, I see absolutely no reason why gays couldn't be MGTOW.

because they're not interested in women, therefore they cannot be abused in the same way as the straight man

That, to me, is complete nonsense. One of the downsides of being a heterosexual man doesn't apply to gays... so what? We're not here to compare dick sizes and see who has it best.

while others name that reason to be the reason why gay men are the ideal MGTOW.

The absence of sexual attraction to women sure sounds nice. It would have avoided me a great many fuck ups in my life. However, I do not see gay MGTOWs as being intrinsically ideal MGTOWs. It is, in a way, an advantage (but so would be living in a less gynocentric society than other MGTOWs, for example) and, as other posters have pointed out, being gay can come with new problems that heterosexuals do not face such as being subject to become a purse gay.

In the end, I hope this thread will encourage more gays to follow the MGTOW path, not because they are gay, I don't think many of us care about that one way or the other, but because they are men. And, as our numbers grow, so does the support we can provide to one another in our pursuit of happiness.

/r/MGTOW Thread