Millennials earn 20% less than Boomers did at same stage of life

How does being a civilian living with all of the rights and freedoms you have equate to living under the rules and regulations of the military.

When you are in the military you are subject to their rules and regulations. In a civilian job, you can tell any person to go fuck themselves, in the military, you go to military jail for insubordination.

You can't quit the military.

You can't disobey a lawful order.

You are made to be responsible for 3000+$ worth of gear. If you lose your SAPI's, you are super fucked for 1500+$.

You can't do drugs in military, even legal research chemicals. They classify both research chemicals and all legal drugs as a psychoactive substance and you'll be charged as such. How do I know, I worked temporarily as my job to piss test Marines.

You won't be deployed as a civilian. Unless you are a contractor, and if you read my post above, Contractor aren't not considered as served.

I lived in the Barracks, and I'm subject to mandatory searching of my room every single Friday. If it's fucked up and dirty, I'm fucked. Every Friday, for 4 years. If it's fucked up twice or more, they bring out the Page 11 and Page 6105 for my permanent record which will be viewable by my command any time in the future.

You can't go on vacation without a reason. Even if you beating your dick in the barrack room for 7 days. You need to tell them what you plan on doing.

You can't go on Federal Holidays without a plan, an inspection of your vehicle completed by a ranking staff officer, and a plan approved.

You will have company wide inspections of your person and of the ENTIRE barracks. As in your entire fucking company will go to the barracks and empty out your room and locked up stuff and be inspect as thoroughly as they want.

You can't come to work hung over. "But I'll just hide it." Fuck no, if they suspect that you couldn't stop drinking enough to come to work to run 5 miles in your boots, they will put your ass on blast in front of your friends and peers. You know how doesn't get promoted? You because you couldn't stop drinking.


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