Minimum wage workers, what is something that is against the rules for customers to do but you aren't paid enough to actually care?

How much do you think some immature 18 year old standing at a till playing on their phone is worth an hour? Give me a figure that's reasonable.

Then tell me the next level up from that, and the level up from that, etc. Is an entry level zero-education job meant to support someone for life as they get a home and build a family?

You know what happens when the minimum wage is increased, right? You know why it happens? Because your wage is determined by the value you bring to a business that's creating a product/providing a service. If you want a higher wage you need to increase your value to a business, or become self-employed and create value directly yourself. That's how this free society works, you have to compete to survive or someone else will instead.

It's not easy, but that's because everything you need to survive and all the products you buy and all the websites you visit and everything you love in society was created from the value that people in society such as yourself work to create.

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