[Misc] SR-SkinCare WARNING!

I work in the costumer service business. One of my tasks (besides answering calls and give information about the products, delivery, payment methods etc) is to reply to e-mails, but I was honestly never given any instructions how to responds to them. I try my best to be polite, professional and helpful, but some of my co-workers are very direct and don’t think much about it.

Since we often talk to very rude people that often insult us on a personal level, it is very hard to be nice and polite to the next costumer. I don’t defense her rude and unprofessional response, but I think the girl that answered OP’s e-mail was just tired and annoyed from all the shit that she’s dealing with every day. My bosses are very strict though, I would lose my job the second I sent this e-mail to a costumer. One of my coworkers got in trouble for using cap locks to highlight some important information in an e-mail.

Also, the girl probably doesn’t care if the company she works for sells their products or not. Their costumer service is probably not even directly located in the company itself, they simply hire some people in a separated call center. For example, I work for a Swiss company that sells their products in Germany but my office is in an undependent call center in Slovenia. I’ve never actually seen the products that I am giving information about. My coworkers here also work for a national bank, make reservations for spas and offer costumer service for other companies.

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