Miz Cracker on her name

You're right about that. But you're acting like the question "is Miz Cracker a good person or a bad person" is the only issue here, as though the people who continue to mention her previous comments are too dumb to see "the duality of people".

The personal validation or invalidation of Miz Cracker is not the issue. The issue is racism and privilege in the community. Many fans still don't seem to get it. Many queens don't seem to get it. So when Cracker makes a comment about racism, it totally makes sense that people are bringing up her previous behavior. It's important to acknowledge that even "woke" queens can be, and have been, part of the problem. Does Cracker fully understand the implications of her engagement with race? I think it's a valid question, and it's one that people SHOULD discuss, rather than sweeping under the rug.

You can try to reorient the discussion so it's about a white person being the victim of internet bullies, but in the end, people are genuinely trying to engage with a conversation about racism that Cracker herself initiated in this interview.

/r/rupaulsdragrace Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it