What do you think about aliens ? Do they really exist ?

Actually, kind of both answer. I do believe in a creator, as something above us and universe, God. But also because of the very low probability. I'm kind of torn between those thoughts. It's also this very low probabilities that make me believe on something greater.

Imagine a big scrapyard, a tornado hit it, and with all those whirling wind the tornado manage to assemble a plane ready to flight. In an infinite universe, the probability suggest that this event close to impossible can actually be possible, in a limited universe the probability is close to the absolut 0. The probability that such an event happened twice ? Unlikely. It's a bit of i see the evolved life, or even life in general. The condition to make life possible is so precise and little, that it's unlikely to me to see another evolved form of life somewhere else. Very primitive organism, monocellular, bacteria, why not, but even that must be very very uncommon, so another evolve form of life, i really doubt that. Just us, the earth would be just a few hundred thousand kilometers closer to the sun, and life would have been impossible, it's nothing at the universe size, but this little thing, this little parameter would have already make the life impossible. And there is thousand of very precise parameters just to make a basic form of life possible, so an evolved one, i don't think so.

The universe is vast, but the parameters to allow a life, even a primitive one, are so huge, that it really make me doubt the existence of it.

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