[Mod] Workshop Day!

Writing type RP Prompt

Criticism Any...I got to the front page with this prompt but did not get any useful replies.

The summer of 1996 was exceptionally hot and humid. It was the summer that would define "summer" for me. The days seemed endless, an aura of lightheartedness filled the air and the term "Helicopter parent" had not been invented yet. We were all "Free Range Kids"; exploring the woods, building a treehouse, using Daddy's old rope to swing over the little creek down yonder. Our knees covered in bruises, our faces covered with dust.

It was also the summer that marked a turning point in my relationship with girls. As an eleven year old boy, something started to shift. Of course, girls were still kind of "Eew", but somehow that did not keep me from spending every single day with you. It was playful and innocent, a memory I cherish dearly even today. One day I remember as if it were yesterday. It was late afternoon, the smell of freshly cut grass filled the air. We had been playing in the treehouse all day, challenging each other to do things we found gross. It was time for my last dare and I had planned to end the day with a bang. Carefully, I retrieved the earthworm from my pocket.

"Here, I dare you to eat this!" I said with a mischievous smile on my face. You would never do it, I was sure of it.

"If I do, you will have to promise to marry me," you replied to my surprise and it was your turn to smile.

Convinced you would never ever put the slimy animal into your mouth, I agreed to your proposal. Even today, I can feel the lump in my stomach that I felt moments later. Without flinching, you took the worm and slowly lowered it into your open mouth.

I am looking for a partner to play out this RP long term. To avoid misunderstandings, "long-term" means weeks more than days to me. I'd prefer a long build up, with romance and (not too much) "drama" that we have to work through before finally getting together. Please be up for this.

I usually write at least one long paragraph per message. On most days I can only write one reply, because RL. Somedays I can write more, some days I cannot write at all. If there are periods of times in which I have to skip more than one day, I will let you know as good as I can (usually the weekends). I am not a native speaker, but I put effort into writing well. If your thing is a quick two-sentence-back-and-forth, we are not a good match.

I want to keep this pretty much vanilla, at least in the beginning. If the RP goes well and the relationship progresses, we can discuss other kinks.

/r/dirtypenpals Thread