The mods have already failed this sub, do we want to have it transformed in pure made-up unsubstantiated bullish like we see in /r/climateskeptics with titles that have no relation whatsoever with reality?

Surely you can endure viewpoints that are at odds with yours

No. Anyone who disagrees with them on any point must be an evil climate denier. Even the scientist among them, bellcrank, gets attacked if his real science and knowledge of academia clashes with their political hack version of reality.. and I thought these guys were supposed to defer to scientists.

And any "enemy" who posts non-climate related stuff in r/skeptic is just a lie, a cover, you see? I post tings about weird psychology, or stupid people thinking The Martian is real, or Bigfoot silliness, or professors using facilitated communication to rape disabled people and lots and lots of stuff about silly leftists being anti-science that somehow doesn't seem to get posted here at r/skeptic for some reason....ahem.... but even though, as far as I can recall none of my posts are about climate (honestly, the climate flame war is kind of boring, about same as arguing with with a 9/11 denier, it can be fun to ask them to explain their theories on how steel melts once or twice, but every damn day for several years and getting nowhere??!! No thanks.) well, my relative lack of interest in it (with the big exception of the blatant hypocrisy of political hacks like Al Gore, his abuse of real science to gain personal power and wealth, and thus expose real scientists to denialists' charges of similar motives? it makes me sick) well anyway, it is all just an elaborate cover!

Yes! Posting about climate proves one is a climate denier. Also, not posting about climate proves one is a climate denier, you must just be using a sockpuppet account or something! And all posts, both climate and not must be downvoted!

If you post at the same time as someone else they hate, it proves you are the same person with 2 accounts and a denier.

If you post at a different time from someone else they hate, it proves you switched accounts and are a denier!

If they can't match up the timing, then you are a well-disciplined denier.

It's all a cover for the purposes of... ahh I give up.

But they have to downvote and encourage others to downvote all my posts, and all your posts, and all posts of any others they don't like despite reddit rules clearly saying that:

Forming or joining a group that votes together, either on a specific post, a user's posts, posts from a domain, etc.

is vote manipulation.

Cheating or attempting to manipulate voting will result in your account being banned. Don't do it.

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