Mom kept mentally-ill girl captive in East Delhi house

This is a case of nosy-neighbors rescuing a girl who did not want to be rescued. How does anybody know that she is mentally ill? Did they advertise that in the newspapers? Where is her right to privacy?

She was in a bad shape, disoriented and hadn't bathed for a long time.

These are all subjective opinions. They are making up excuses to justify illegally breaking into somebody's private residence.

They said there was garbage inside the house but the house was unclean because the mother had been unwell, as explained by the elder daughter in the video. Still no justification for breaking into their house without a warrant.

"The girl said she had locked herself in the flat as she was not willing to go outside the flat on her own. She seems to be under depression,"

That's her choice, it does not allow you to break into her house and put her in a hospital against her will and give her custody to child welfare committee.

This is India, she is likely to suffer abuse in the "child welfare" home and should not be placed there against her own will, against her mother's and her elder sister's wishes. This is ridiculous. Pesky neighbors, sensational journalism and over enthusiastic cops eager to break into people's homes without warrant have worked together in this case to no good.

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