Monthly 'Introduce yourself' thread

Sup y’all, I’ve jumped into the sub in the past month. Not sure how to introduce myself. So uhh, hey, I’m /u/iamyourvilli, I’m a recent grad that works for the fed govt in DC/Baltimore, and I plan on pursuing med school in two year’s time (typical heh). I’m into graffiti and mountaineering. I grew up in white suburbia where I was mercilessly bullied in elementary and early middle school, which led to me receding into myself, being deeply ashamed of my heritage, and avoiding contact with other desis my age. It wasn’t until midway through college that I embraced myself, handled the traumas of yore, and came to really own and respect my heritage. I’ve now got a good circle of desi friends. What else. Umm I travel to India every year and that’s always awesome. Yeah I guess that’s about it? Happy to be here with a like-minded community

/r/ABCDesis Thread