More than 2,000 now infected with coronavirus; 56 dead in China

To be perfectly honest I don’t believe for a second that “only” 2,000 are infected, but that’s what the CCP reports. This is definitely not including those patients being classified as “pneumonia” cases. Knowing China, the mass hysteria, leading to overcrowded hospitals, is definitely helping the virus spread as well. Furthermore most Chinese bathrooms lack proper sanitation equipment such as toilet paper and soap—even the hospital ones. The CCTV in China is still reporting low numbers but the way that the government is shutting down all the cities/providences is definitely super suspicious and indicative of a much larger & serious issue. I know that Shanghai and other cities have closed most public areas, such as movie theaters. Docs are overwhelmed, there is a shortage of medical supplies/equipment, and hospitals are at overflowing. China has a very corrupt government and they have no adequate health safety measures to prevent this, secondary to corruption and lax policies. Furthermore, they spent the first few weeks suppressing the media and media staff about this virus (just like they did in 2003/2004 SARS). For just 2,000 to be infected is most definitely a lie. If they are admitting to just 2,000, then you should expect much higher numbers.

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