More than half of Canadians under 40 see Baby Boomer legacy as negative: poll

Bingo, we're 35, don't even make 100k/year as a couple (heck, we don't make 70k/year at the moment because my SO went back to school) and we own a condo and a cottage. The condo I paid 85k in 2012 and it's now worth a staggering 105k and the cottage we paid 50k in summer 2020 because it was in bad condition and we knew we would have to do a lot of work.

Any student that's the tiniest bit careful with their spending can set 10k aside by the time they're ready to move out of their parents' and can buy a condo like mine... But talking to my young colleagues they're all looking for a single family house as their first real estate investment and they can't figure out how they'll be able to afford it so they're renting apartments worse than what we live in for more money than we pay and throwing money at a landlord...

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