It's moronic Monday, your chance to ask any of those lingering questions without fear of harassment.

Since this is essentially in the description I'll go ahead and ask: I've got about $10,000 to start investing and I'm not sure what to do with it. I have no experience investing. Here is some information about myself:

-23 years old -Employed making $90K/year (but likely changing fields and taking a pay cut to around $60K/year) -The objective is relatively short-term investing (5-10 years) and for me to learn more about investing. I already have a 401(k), so this would be separate from my retirement savings. -I have about $25K in public students loans at a 3.5% interest rate. I've already paid off a good portion of my overall principal and I'm comfortable making monthly payments towards the $25K and paying larger chunks if I come into more money.

After doing some research, most places seem to point me towards starting a trading account and purchasing some ETF's and looking into emerging markets. While this all sounds good, I'm still a bit confused about how to get started. Any advice?

Thanks in advance!

/r/investing Thread