Why most of TV shows in America is in favor of the left? Why SNL doesn't make fun of the left?

Specifically as of currently - Target Demographic.

A huge chunk of the US is pissed as fuck at the GOP & Donald Trump for being well... them and attempting to defy the rules of everyday life, love them or hate them, it's good comedy material to fuck around with. Plus man, Trump makes it a tad easy with all the tweeting and constant rhetoric and sometimes misquotes.

Saturday Night Live knows their fans, Colbert Report knows their fans. They're liberal, they're going to primarily make comedy inspired by the actions of republicans fucking up. It's not that it's easy, but it's that they have a profit to make. The other party likes seeing the other party fuck up, dark I know, but it's just business for TV Networks.

Personally, I could give less of a fuck because I don't have cable and I'm not a Republican, but it's usually just some rich people telling me why I should be mad at other rich people, but with sketches... lol

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread