MRW someone tells me that once I have a son I'll stop with the feminism b/s because I'll want him to also have equal rights. I have a son...

Yeah, I tried the whole restoration by tension thing for about a year: helped a bit, but decided to forgo it to avoid any potential complications from stem cell regeneration, whenever that comes around. Here's a related subreddit if you wish to look into it:

I try not to judge my parents too harshly; I primarily blame the medical establishment for spreading misinformation for profit, but they still permitted unnecessary bodily harm come to me, which just seems counterintuitive (at least to me) to any parenting instinct, even if their hearts were in the right place. It's a difficult concept to mentally process. I guess I'll never understand the culture at the time. I also learned from a young age (once I found out via the internet that circumcision is debilitating) that they did not know what was best for me all the time, and that they perhaps weren't as qualified as I was to make decisions for myself. It undermined my faith in them. Ultimately, I still love my parents and don't want to blame them, though. For now all I can do is just keep trying to bury the issue and distract myself: no point in dwelling on negative thoughts when what's done is done, because all that does is make me feel worse.

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