MSP hack - just wow; its great until it isnt

Dude. 4 years full time MSP/consultant. 2 years as a side gig before that. My total profit before tax was 17.5k in year one. I’m making less than most sysadmin people here in year 4.

I’m working this week and the weekend so my employees can take the 4th of from our on call and I rotate with my techs because I believe that’s the right thing to do.

Yes getting cryptoed is the shit that keeps me up at night. But I don’t have the luxury of “not answering my phone”. My clients expect 24/7 on call service 364 days a year (yes I get one day off).

These are my choices. Im hoping one day I can make the millions you describe. But until then im gonna keep paying my staff. Giving them vacation and ensuring they are looked after and kept in a job.

/r/msp Thread