So Much Disinformation Out There With Intent to Discourage

I voted for Bernie before voting for Hillary last time. I was disappointed Elizabeth didn't run. And, she was my first choice until AOC endorsed Bernie. I do believe what Michael Moore said is true: Elizabeth hedged her platform based on what she thought people would feel was palpable. I do believe that she has shifted though. And, I still believe she has a chance to win. I would love if either one of them won and chose the other as a running mate.

I guarantee you that most Bernie supporters would be thrilled with a president Warren too. So, seriously, stop with the absolute nonsense. You should be thrilled with a president Bernie just as much as I would be with a president Warren. Don't be petulant. Support smart policy that supports most people. This is bigger than your feelings - bigger than any of us alone.

/r/ElizabethWarren Thread