"The music of a gentleman"

Eyes of the empty peering through a window as rain falls upon it the dust of yesterday washed away by the anguish of today

truth long descending into fiction becoming everything and nothing to become one with the world locked inside a prison with predetermined paths set before you by others who are only relics of the past

a past so broken, a nightmare life long only certain dreams can be reached how can my dreams be yours or hers be his? material only limits the powerful potential of the mind desire only weakens your own identity Identity is preserved through indifference thee ability to accept the world the way it is and not to play a part in its manipulation

over analyzed dysfunction in a world of chaos preoccupied forging empires pyramids built with the blood of slaves the temples of long destroyed faiths

idols of gods left to idol songs now left unsung beginnings that have long ended the stones of the earth manipulated to please the minds great influence

cultures of the ancients on display in an archive to remind, remember, but never change a wise word to whisper falling upon the deaf ears of the headstrong a sacred burial ground buried underneath a parking lot remembering lives long forgotten forgotten lies long lived into a truth

Evil and good are a duality of a mirror image and are so often the same

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