My [17m] mom [36f] found out that I ate meat and kicked me out. How can I talk to her about me wanting to eat what I like?

Your mom shouldn't kick you out. It's wrong of her to do that obviously. But I'm sure for her it is heartbreaking to see her child do something she finds incredibly immoral. I'm sure she feels like a failure. She tried raising a compassionate, kind son and she may feel now that you have not turned out that way. I'm not saying you aren't a compassionate person, I'm just saying she may feel that way due to her convictions. The fact that you are writing this post shows that you are kind and caring. As a vegan myself, it would be really hard for me to see my child eat meat, even after I raised him to see the horrors of the meat and dairy industry. Tell her that you understand that this hurts her feelings. Maybe explain to her why you chose to now eat meat. Like I said, I am not condoning her kicking out a minor, but it seems to me like she probably really hurt by your choices. I understand that people need personal freedom, but maybe you could put yourself in her shoes and imagine how she feels. It's not just a diet, it's a lifestyle. I know this is not going to be popular on reddit since vegans are typically mocked, but I don't think she is abusive or a terrible parent. She just doesn't want her kid to put money into the pockets of the meat and dairy industry. I hope you can work things out, but if she never let's you move back in then maybe she is abusive or over the top. I wish you luck! A 17 year old shouldn't have to worry about where he lives.

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