My [20F] ex [20M] got really drunk and groped me and my friends, now I don't know how to face him in college

So I’m a 24M and I went through something like you you two this actually reminds me a lot of me and me ex break up.

So while I look back at it I definitely turned to alcohol to cope with being broken up with. Just because when you brought it up that you wanted to break up and he AGREED doesn’t mean he was ready for it. You were thinking about doing it for weeks or more And he got blind sided.

Now, while him trying to come up to you drunk at a bar is not a good time to talk - you SHOULD still talk to him to hear what he has to say. My ex did exactly what your doing and in my honest opinion you at least owe him a little bit of your time to hear what he has to say SOBERLY. In addition it is immature and childish to be dancing with guys in front of your ex that soon after - and the same goes for him. It’s just trashy. (Saying we’re just friends is preposterous!)

Anyway the mature thing would be to hear his side and explain to him that he got his say and you did too and now there is closure and that is all.

Lastly, please don’t remain friends with an ex. That goes for everyone who reads this girls or guys. That shit will cause problems for the rest of your life. There’s like almost 8 billion people in this world now please just be more social

/r/relationships Thread