My [22F] Boyfriend [25M] is interacting with younger girls online. I don't know what to do anymore.

No problem! I can imagine how hard it is honestly, when we care about someone sometimes our brains try to rationalize situations that we know are fucked up. I know that it sucks and you're hurting a lot, and it's going to hurt.

And exactly, if this was brought up once, and he cried, and then stopped doing it, it would be understandable. But you've talked to him about it so many times. He doesn't care. Please don't let your brain trick you into staying so that you can "fix" him or anything like that.

Even if he was doing all of this as a defense mechanism, he's still preying on younger girls. Please, please don't let him convince you to stay. You've already tried talking to him countless times. You told him how you felt, and then he did it again. And again. And again. Think about that.

There's this quote that I read once, it went like, "grieve. so that you can be free to feel something else." and I thought that that was really helpful. I know that I'm young but there've been times where I couldn't see past someone, and now I can't even look back on them.

At least it has only been 1 year, rather than 10. At least you're still young and have so much time left to meet someone else. At least you've come to realize what you have to do before you wasted years on this dude.

You're so young. And you're going to find someone who will listen to you when you communicate with them. You're going to find someone who won't leave explicit comments on IG pictures of teenage girls. You're going to find someone who will respect your feelings.

It's going to hurt for a while until it just doesn't anymore. Some days will be good, some days will be bad. But everyday is one day further away from someone who doesn't care about you.

I know that I'm younger than you, but you can always PM if you want to vent or talk or anything! I really understand what this must feel like for you. Hang in there, OP. It's cliché advice, but the pain really won't last forever. You're going to be okay.

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