My [23F] fiancé [24M] and I had a huge blowout because I refused to accept an outrageously expensive gift from his friend [24M]. Now I feel numb inside.

You asked if there is a significant difference in our skills. No, there's not. My fiancé has even told me while laughing "Yeah, Tom sucks at the game, even though his level is high. He is actually really really bad but thinks he is great."

That's fine that Tom's love language is gift-giving but I don't consider him to be my friend, he's never been a friend to me. This doesn't really count, it's an inappropriate gift. Even though I would love a gaming computer, I'm not accepting it from an asshole I can't stand, and right now we are in transition and don't have the space for another large desktop computer (my fiance 's was a nightmare to move across country) and when we move again in a few months, we can't afford a U-Haul. It just makes no sense in practical ways like that and in then in personal ways like the fact that I refuse to accept that expensive gift from someone I don't consider a friend, who has been a jerk to me, who I would NEVER spend that much money on, who would make me feel guilty if I used it.

If the gift was FOR ME, and therefore MINE to decline, why did Tom tell my fiance about the gift? Tom didn't tell me. He could have called me or texted me. He didn't. He chose to tell my fiance in a Skype call he knows I never join anymore. It was clear I wasn't even there since my fiance had to leave to find me in the bathroom. Tom could have told me himself but chose to have my fiance relay the message. So I don't see the big deal in me choosing to have my fiance relay the message of not wanting the gift.

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