My [23F] stepbrother [20M] keeps leaving weed around the house, even though it almost killed our dog.

This thread is full of a lot of misinformation. THC that has been decarboxylated by heat (like in the form of pot brownies) is technically toxic to dogs, and if its concentrated into a sweet tasting treat, it can kill a small dog if it eats a lot and isn't given proper care - even then, it's not due to overdose but from the dogs choking on their vomit.

However, marijuana just in bud form is not really toxic to dogs, and isn't going to kill your dog. In a study im reading, every dog that became sick from eating bud made a full recovery, even from eating several ounces of marijuana.

Its quite funny that so many people here are going on about how marijuana is surely poisonous to dogs.. but seems like no one really knows what they're talking about

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