My [24F] boyfriend [25M] would be much better suited for a different type of girl and it's bugging me to no end.

Well, hello alternative universe me.

So let's start here: you are an idiot. And I can tell you that because I'm a version of you if we took all this stuff and mixed it around. I am an extroverted, nonathletic book nerd, humanities academic that can make friends with just about anyone. And I'm engaged to a hyper-athletic systems engineer who basically thought that having to talk to the person a Starbucks for his morning coffee was a significant social interaction.'re an idiot. LISTEN: I am not saying opposites attract. I am saying that sometimes your love life is a bit like a reality television show. Somethings have to mesh but some aspects are better off being totally divergent. We are similar in a lot of fundamental ways, but our differences are what make us kick-ass.

He's great at packing. He can make an impossible amount of stuff fit in to tiny spaces. I am great at unpacking. I have the vision to know where things belong and arrange them in an intuitive way. I am intuitive problem solver when it comes to people, he's a logical problem solver when it comes to systems. I can spend four hours on the phone getting dicked by comcast and end up with them giving me not only what I want but a month's free service for putting up with the hassle. They just hang up on him because he can't keep his temper in check after the fourth time he's been asked to turn the thing on and off again. I LOVE the time he spends up in the mountains because it gets him out of my fucking hair and I can read fanfic in privacy and play my music way too loud. He LOVES the time I spend out with friends at parties that would make him insane because he can play video games in his underwear on the couch without feeling like he's a 17 year old.

And we've merged a little. Watching me for seven years has taught him how to break the ice with strangers and he's making friends much more easily now. While I'm never going to LOVE the great outdoors, we've found easy but fun things to do together that get us both outside and don't make me insane. I taught him how to read poetry, he explains whatever's interesting in the science news to me in terms I can understand. I taught him how to save money more aggressively, he's teaching me investment strategies. He's taught me to stand up for myself in my workplace, I've taught him the nuances of office politics and how to push the right buttons to make people agree with you. I got him into books and music and movies he otherwise wouldn't give a damn about. He's the only person who can keep up with me when we're talking politics or philosophy.

We're very different. That's what keeps things interesting. I don't want a carbon copy of me. I need someone who is enough like me that we mesh, but who brings all sorts of weird, insane, outside-the-box things into my life so that I'm not bored out of my fucking mind. And he needs that too.

So, yeah, you're dumb. The things that make you different are the things that make you hot.

/r/relationships Thread