My [25F] BF [28M] of 1.5 years says he doesn't want to get married. Trying to see things his way but feeling hurt.

First of all, his "divorce rate" argument is flat out wrong. Divorce rates get lower the higher education both people have and the older they are when they get married.

Besides that, I can understand his sentiment on marriage, but you need to think about what's acceptable for you and what you want.

There are tons of practical reasons to get married, the most important being that if he gets hurt you will be able to make medical decisions for him, and if he suddenly passes away you will get nothing, as his girlfriend. Hell, if you buy property together, depending on what sort of contract you write up, if he dies, his portion of the property may go to a family member, not you.

If he's worried about divorce, why not go to a lawyer and get a pre-nup written up?

My point is that if you're really okay with never getting married, that's okay. You'll just have to accept that you will not get the protections and benefits of marriage. If you're not okay with never getting married, that's okay too. It's okay to break up with someone based on disagreeing about marriage.

/r/relationships Thread