My Biggest Obstacle to Faith is the Immorality of God as Portrayed in the Bible

God knows what the world is like with and without free will in the garden. He chose the prior. I'm not all knowing, so I cannot possibly look over all of human history in the past and future to know if it truly is better for us to have not had free will.

Oh I'm not going to strictly argue free will vs. none, but that's something of a false dichotomy. God could have set it up so that we had free will but no ability to sin. I have free will, yes? Yet I cannot fly under my own physical power. I cannot drink magma without dying. I cannot snuff stars with a thought. Sin could have been like so; created so that what God finds sinful is toxic to us, or beyond our ability.

And more properly, I'm not precisely arguing that god should have made things differently, though such an argument can be made. I'm arguing that with the two omni- traits of his, he is literally responsible for everything, including the fall. That he cannot possibly avoid responsibility for such. Thus, the fall must be part of his "plan", something he either allowed or directly caused, as the difference between the two for an omni-etc. being is moot.

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