My blood type doesn’t seem to match my father’s?

This obviously is a really emotional subject for you so I’ll just say this. I never told op that they could figure out if their dad was biologically theirs, just that there is a very basic way to help put your mind at ease a little bit with 5 minutes of reading, and imo it’s quite interesting. The aim was to show op that despite the hazy blood type it’s still very possible to still be all related and not do something stupid like accuse mother of an affair. The science behind dna tests and all the rest of it are irrelevant because someone with literally no education in the subject could determine a biological relation with some money and the internet. Now piss off with your pathetic high school attitude, because you have contributed zero to this discussion, only came along to shit on my comment with your know it all attitude, well miss, take off your fucking blinkers and have a look at this from an outside perspective because all the information is right in front of you. The biggest, dead giveaway that op needed nothing other than a 5 minute read to put their mind at ease was the maturity in their post. You don’t accuse your mother of an affair based upon the facts at present unless you don’t have the emotional maturity to look at the facts and try to understand them.

and also there are plenty of other comments actually recommending confrontation so fucking jump on them because I certainly didn’t. Your attitude belongs there.

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