My boyfriend (24M) has been depressed for almost a year now, is this a sign he's slowly getting better?? I (25F) need a second opinion?

Hi, thanks for your reply. I agree, while I would ideally like for him to take his antidepressants to get the full impact of them, he decided he didn't want to take them anymore himself. He didn't really give me an explanation as to why so I didn't pester him. I've also asked him numerous times to go therapy even suggesting that I'll pay for him and if he doesn't want to go alone, I'll go with him but he still declined and said he doesn't feel comfortable speaking to someone about himself. I know a lot of people would say to keep pushing him but the thing is that I've read pushing depressed people to go therapy when they've said no can end up making the depression worse. I don't want him to go and for him to end up resenting me for not listening to his choice if that makes sense.

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