My boyfriend is trying to get rid of my dog what should I do

I'm in this situation as well, we're in a relationship many years, we already had cats which are chill, we were given a large breed puppy and i felt pressured into allowing it by him and the kids so i barely had time to do any research just what food and training, everything was well until doggo grew and started shedding like crazy, we did good training with her so she is well behave but the hair is everywhere and i cannot keep up, hair is everywhere and in the food sometimes no matter how much i clean..... i love the dog, i buy her toys bathe her make sure is well fed give her vitamins , the works but I'm miserable with the hair and is affecting me really bad my anxiety..... my bf is very attached to her so i will not tell him to give her away but I'm incredibly miserable but I'm tryingto suck it up.... so i think it's not always not liking the dog but knowing to chose the right dog breed for you..... but never tell your partner to get rid of their loved pet, if you don't like it then you leave

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