My cousin's husband openly cheated on her, what should I do about my craving for vengeance?

So two weeks ago my cousins mother (who lives abroad) came to visit her and her husband. Our families hung out with each other one night for dinner yada yada it was all fun and awesome. Then, a few days later, when driving her mother to the airport, the atmosphere was absolutely dreadful! We knew something was wrong but obviously didn't push any questions.

Last week, my cousins came to talk to us and explain how and why she moved to a friends place all of a sudden, etc. etc. Turns out, one night while her mother was there with her watching a movie, her husband came home late at night after hanging out with friends with another girl. Walking into the house. Right in front of my cousin. and her mother. My cousin's husband introduced the girl to them as if nothing was even wrong!!! My cousin was speechless. Obviously, her mom was in WTF mode and asked that girl if she knew my cousin was the guys WIFE. The girl didn't bother responding and as a matter of fact, knew the way to my cousin and the jerks BEDROOM where she proceeded to enter after the question!!!!!!! She didn't go into much detail about it after that, besides the fact that she felt completely numb and at the time had no idea what to do. The only thing she remembers is grabbing as much of her stuff as she could and leaving the house, with her mother, to a friends place. Most of her stuff is still all currently there at the house they rented together, where she assumes (i'm assuming she drove by to check, because she was absolutely positive) the girl her husbands cheating on her with is actually staying at now.

They have only been married for about a year and a half. My cousin's family actually had to pay for most of their wedding which they had back in their home country. A lot of time and effort all gone to waste. She is currently on the plane to her home country over 7,000 miles away right now to spend time with her family.

First, I know it is absolutely none of my business to get involved with my cousin's affairs or such personal problem however for the parents, sibling, friends and more who have felt that tingling nerve in the back of your mind snap after finding out your loved one was blatantly cheated on -- I am wondering what methods you used to cope with this urge to practically want to slaughter them. I have gone back and forth on even going to elementary methods such as throwing eggs or pranking of some sort just because my mind is fighting the need to do something worse!

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