My Deaf Friend Did A Video On Annoying Things That Non-Deaf People Say!

This is what I commented on her video:

"Hi Ruth. Great video and I am happy you made it because it can educate people about what it is to be deaf. Now, hear me out, some of the ways you describe how hearies react when they learn someone is deaf are not done just to be an asshole to deaf people, but rather, they tend to come from a good place, though admittedly, showing some ignorance in doing so. I can imagine how this can be really annoying when it happens to you over and over again; but believe me, most of it comes down to hearies not being educated on about deafness and deaf people. Heck, most people haven't even met a deaf person (at least knowingly), so a lot of these reactions happen because they're caught off guard and they don't want to be offensive (the person who did the "read my lips" miming thing was obviously just being a jackass). Also, I can understand how all the condescension can be super annoying, for sure. And this is why I applaud you for making this video because this is something that needs to happen more, deaf people educating us hearies about what it's like to be deaf. I have deaf friends and know some sign language and I believe I'm fairly informed about d/Deaf and HoH people. Yet, most hearing people know almost nothing about it, and I used to be one of them. To be honest, the most intriguing thing for us hearies when we know nothing about deafness is how can a deaf person talk. And then a lot of times, deaf people who can talk often just respond smugly by saying that yes some deaf people can talk and others can't, but without addressing who this is possible (e.g., with the help of hearing aids, speech therapy, etc.). So when this is not properly explained, we are still left at square 1, and much of our ignorance on the subject does not get dispelled. At the same time, I understand how it can be annoying when it happens to you so often and you might just feel like it's not your responsibility to educate everyone you interact with. I get that. Ultimately, though, it all comes down to keep spreading awareness about deafness, and also for us hearies to take it upon ourselves to learn more about it; but it really, really helps when you deaf folks make the effort to educate us. That's why videos such as this one are important. So please deaf folks, cut us some slack when it is clear we mean well. We appreciate it when it becomes a learning experience for us. :) Oh, and I also wanted to say something about the "deaf and dumb" expression. Yeah, anyone who still says that in this day and age is a jerk and they don't deserve your respect, but, and I'm sure you know this, in the past the word "dumb" used to just mean "mute" and then slowly over time it acquired the meaning it has today. That's why in the past some schools for the deaf were named "school for the deaf and dumb." I just wanted to put that out there for anyone who didn't know. Anyway, I've written enough. I enjoyed your video. Keep them coming. I like seeing how BSL signs differ from those of ASL. Cheers!"

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