My experience at Doctors office yesterday.

I'm really disliking my primary doctor's office attitude during this. The guy is great, but he is also old school, trained in Europe, and tells me things like "you're as healthy as an ox". I had an ear issue recently...long story short, my primary wanted me to come in for x/y/z. I bought a digital otoscope, and then made a telemed appointment with an ENT specialist. I realized that if I'm telemeding, I don't have to limit myself to my local area. The ENT said I don't need anything other than a prescription, no need to go to my primary for anything. My primary was also pushing that I get blood work and a physical, I think they are just hurting for cash (the blood work I need, they don't even have the vials there, they don't know what they are talking about).

/r/newjersey Thread