My experience looking for a raiding guild

I'm struggling with this at the moment. My raiding guild traditionally never raided on Wednesdays over the years I've been there, so I tailored my work schedule around their raid times because I was basically allowed to pick my hours (yay for part time employment). Recently though they have added Wednesday as a raiding day, which means I'm no longer really able to raid with them... I wasn't too fussy about Mythic raiding, but I was at least wanting to do heroic raids with them and they happen on Wednesdays. So I got curious and started looking around for other guilds that did not raid on Wednesdays and have found that they are few and far between. It would make it very difficult for me to find another guild if I decided to go that route and that would be a heavy decision - I've been with my current guild for a long time and I am loyal.

Work has also become much stricter recently when it comes to schedule changes, so freeing up my Wednesday nights isn't as easy as it might once have been. I may never be able to raid again and it's making me feel quite sad... but I haven't made the schedule change request yet since I'd have to make up some excuse. "I want to raid on World of Warcraft" might not fly with the HR department, haha.

That was just a little bit of a moan from me... but yeah, that struggle is real, especially if you have an awkward work schedule (that is only awkward because it was specifically arranged around one guild with an unusual raiding schedule!).

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