my fears are being confirmed lol

I hate having eds and i’m so glad I don’t have pots. Eds SUCKS ASS and it’s not cute or trendy when you’re just trying to relax with your hubby and you make one wrong movement and YOUR TOES DISLOCATE AND YOUR WHOLE FUCKING BODY DOES THIS CONSTANTLY ITS NOT CUTE OR TRENDY damn. I hate having this genetic disorder and have cried many times just out of pure pain and frustration.

Do you know how much is hurts to dislocate multiple times per day and still look and pretend to be “normal”. It’s not something cute, it’s something that’s a bit hard to diagnose and the fact that doctors are now getting suspicious about it sucks. It took me years of suffering to figure out what was wrong with me. It’s not a cute additional thing to add to your list of diagnoses :/ it’s a debilitating disorder that I want to crispr (genetically edit if possible) away from my future children because i’m that against them potentially getting it, it sucks that much you DONT want it or you’ll be in pain the rest of your life basically. I feel weak, helpless and out of control of my own body thanks to this disorder it’s not something cute and quirky ugh

/r/fakedisordercringe Thread Link -