My gf kissed a other guy a week ago. they're still hanging out, and he slept at her place last night. what to do?

You naive males always use this as your excuse for why you forgave your slut girlfriends.

didn't know it was a "normal excuse" i'm sorry for finding a girl that does have mental disorders.

She's fucking another dude. Regularly

there's no chance it happened before yesterday (if it even happened there)

Not getting rid of him

it's her bestfriend

And will talk to you in "upcoming days" after she's had some guilt-free, pounding, sweaty nights with him.

since i have friends who know the guy. i know he has plans the next couple of days. there's no chance that happens

I can't be nice to you guys. This shit is so in-your-face and you still put your head in the sand and forgive your whores.

the difference here is that mental disorders COULD have been the reason for the kissing. they're still hanging out because they're best friends. which i would be fine with as long as it wasn't in her home like it was last night.

also going directly to attacking me or her doesn't get you very far

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