My HUD improvement suggestions

  1. a) Move the compass to the empty top left corner. b) Display objective (or bombs a + b, etc depending on the mode) c) Beneath the current room location text, it should tell you if you are in the objective room or bomb site

  2. a) Move text to bottom left b) Team color should be used to color the player name, text still remains white c) add option in game menu to disable all text chat in game

    1. a) Each teammate should have a color, like CS:GO. b) when a teammate has armor, their life bar should change from white to green
  3. Instead of the round circle that appears during bomb defuse and securing objective, add a permanent progress bar to the screen. As opposing team captures/defuses, the bar fills up to their team color. That way you can always see it, no matter where you are facing without having to turn around and find it. Alternatively, it could be changed so that the box where it keeps your teams score could color in the same way. Easier than keeping track of a circle moving around on the screen, and removes clutter

  4. a) The reason for changing each teammates color is so that different teammates can ping at the same time while being able to tell who is pinging where. b) remove number off of the ping, doesn't have much of a purpose other than clutter. c) Increase distance you are allowed to ping. Currently, you can't ping something more than 10 feet away.

  5. remove headphone icon when someone is talking (obviously they are, that is why their name is popping up) and add operator icon in its place

7) remove this text, and make the icon smaller to avoid clutter.

These are my suggestions to improve the HUD, of course I may have missed something, let me know what you think

/r/Rainbow6 Thread Link -