My Husband (28M) is resenting me/ can't get over that I (26F) do not want to name future child after his father.

That's not fair. Maybe he's dreamed his entire life about this - it's just this one thing that he's always really wanted to do. I mean, how many girls dream of amazing weddings when they're little, without even considering who the groom would be? Is that selfish?

This obviously doesn't mean he should get his way, but it's understandable and deserves compassion, not a mark of condemnation as a selfish person. Most people act a bit irrational when things don't go as they'd like.

Don't get me wrong, OP's totally in the right. Parents get equal say in the child's name, no question. Plus, it sounds like she cares more about what it will be like for the unborn child to live with this name, which is 100% the right attitude. But I think it's just better to work from a place of understanding for something like this. He's probably not a bad guy.

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