My [M 33] girlfriend [32] of 2 years went missing in Mexico City. Found her in another guy's bed.

I just wanted to express my gratitude to everyone who has contributed to this thread. Your advice and support has been unbelievably helpful and is keeping me from making stupid, knee-jerk decisions during this difficult time.

To give you an update, I blocked all communication channels I could think of and deleted any previous emails/chats I had been holding on to. I sent one last message to her saying that she should never contact me again, but she replied with a very long email.

The email was extremely apologetic and heartfelt, explaining hat she's never loved anyone as much as me, but that the last month has been a struggle for her with the LDR we've been having. Instead of talking to me when these feelings took hold, she dealt with them by taking the worst possible route. Her biggest regret is that we will never be together again, so she has certainly seen the error of her ways.

This morning, I had some missed calls from unknown numbers and a voicemail from her. She wants once last chance to talk and I've decided to give it to her. This isn't to give her a chance of getting me back, but because--as you might imagine being two foreigners in Mexico--we have been through a lot together. We have also been friends for nearly 9 years (I perhaps should have mentioned this in the original post), so in this case I feel we both deserve to understand what went so wrong.

Every relationship is different, and I can see where complete shutdown of contact is the right decision in many cases, but in this case my gut tells me to hear her out as it will give me the chance to know where I might have gone wrong, which in turn will help me grow.

Thank you, again, /r/relationships. You've been the best group of strangers a stranger could ever wish for.

/r/relationships Thread