My mom is a hardcore supporter of Trump and defends ALL his actions, how can I make her more open-minded?

So my mom is a Republican MAINLY because she's Christian. She's also very against gay marriage and transgender people using girl/boy bathrooms. And now the recent firing of Comey, she's saying stuff like, "Comey wasn't good at his job, that's why he was fired. And Sally Yates and everyone else was fired because that's what happens when a Republican wins over a Democrat, the whole cabinet gets replaced." She also says Comey MUST have said something wrong, and the reason Trump fired him is to set an example and scare others from trying to wrong him.

She says Trump is like any other politician, just that he has less of a filter on what he says, sort of like "keeping it real". She is also very anti-Obama, equating him to the devil.

Now I don't know enough about politics to argue against her points unfortunately, but I know enough to see that Trump is a scumbag. But also I get most of my political info from Reddit, which seems to be very liberal and one-sided.

I just want to know what are some things one can say to disprove Trump's skills as a president. Any help would be appreciated!

/r/AskReddit Thread