My sister is a culinary arts major and dressed up as a Sioux Chef ... No one got it.

I've worked on these reservations, so I've actually seen it in person, and you simply mock me?

And unlike you I've worked with these people for years. And unlike you, I've studied Native American history in an actual academic setting. And further unlike you, I don't delude myself into thinking that history has no effect on people whatsoever and that they aren't all just lazy worthless slobs for being victimized for 500 years.

You're the racist one. You're insulting them

Always with this stupid nonsense from right-wing buffoons.

If a person is born with a parent who has no education, who has no job, who has nothing to their name whatsoever and who, in their depressions, drinks, what chance has that kid? Especially when they can expect nothing else themselves? And how do you think that cascades over time?

You think that systemic poverty is because people are too lazy? You think history doesn't effect the present? That's literally what you are saying: history does not effect the present. That is insane.

The libertarian nonsense you've slurped up your entire life doesn't apply to reality. In reality, being born white, male, upper-middle-class or above, has huge advantages that carry throughout our culture. Being born poor, hungry, without so much as a pair of shoes, no education to speak of whatsoever, parents with severe addiction problems, and a culture that daily mocks your struggles and calls you all worthless for not being rich is going to limit your chances in life and have severe negative repercussions on everything from your mental well-being to the very possibility of you graduating high school.

And we forced them into this situation at gunpoint. So that little turds like you could look down and spit on them and call them lazy.

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