My university asking for donations in excess of our $67,800 yearly cost of attendance.

Why do people make shit up to make the US look as bad as possible on this website?

It's easy to look this data up, average yearly tuition for an in state Public university instate is about $10,000.

Average community college tuition is about half that at $5,000, but as low as $1,300 in states like California.

Yes if you go to a prestigious university like Yale you're gonna pay out the ass. These universities are world renown and people fight to attend them and pay this much. Nobody who goes to these should be surprised how much it costs and nobody is forced to attend them.

You all just take the worst case scenario in the US and comparing it to the best case scenario in another country. Why be dishonest?

The US has a lot of real issues but when you make up things and are blatantly dishonest to spread a false narrative you're not helping anything.

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