This newly installed spike makes it impossible for an osprey to rebuild its nest in a spot where osprey have been nesting and hunting for years.

First, realize that letting war vets rot on the streets after having them risking their lives and giving up their healthy bodies and minds for your nation is so incredibly evil that it honestly sickens me. Second, either provide them adequate shelter until social apartments are built or made available through purchase by the state. Third, move them into the state sponsored apartments while simultaneously coordinating proper medical and psychiatric care, including therapy. Fourth, keep them engaged in a social rehab program that helps them build up a repertoire of working short term jobs until they find something that suits them. Then, lastly, either get them into state organized and sponsored jobs or provide them enough help to get them a regular job. That's a very rough sketch of what resocialization looks like. It returns dignitiy and health to them and enables those fit enough to even return to living a selfsufficient life. That's humane and that's what people anywhere should strive to achieve, for their fellow human beings.

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