My wedlock baby is costing me my job! Today on Maury.


A) Christianity is a misogynistic religion. In most sects of christianity, women cannot be priests, they are encouraged to stay home, have children and take care of the home, even if they do not want to. They are restricted from speaking out unless spoken to. So the fact that she was a part of a misogynistic culture means that, yeah, she probably was spreading misogyny.

B) Sure I am. If they believe in misogyny, then they must believe it applies to them, otherwise they are hypocrites. With that type of behavior you get, "The only moral abortion is my abortion," which is more hurtful to women than reminding the ones that live in a misogynist society that they do not have rights like they think they do. (And maybe if you remind them of that fact enough, they get sick of it and try and make a change for themselves.)

C) OP and I were attacking her for her actions. She was being a hypocrite, OP reminded her, and I agreed with OP. If anything, this approach is the opposite of treating people with kids gloves. It's reminding them of the harsh reality they live, choose to believe in and spread world wide.

D) As a feminist, I believe in equality for everyone. She was being a dick, so I agree with OP's actions to take her down with her own misogynistic dogma. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too.

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