My wife is at GDC, what questions would you like to ask Immutable X?

Remember how Byron from LoopRing kept hinting that something big is gonna happen between us and them? They kept hyping apes for a really long time. People lost some interest eventually. Meanwhile there was zero indication that we are partnering with ImmutableX.

Then the news of partnership with ImmutableX came out. Robbie has been engaging apes since then, willing to answer many of our questions. I think that's what he's supposed to do. If Robbie wants to be a billionaire he will want ImmutableX to become valuable on its own.

Then the news of partnership with LoopRing came out. Robbie offered to do another AMA to explain how everything ties together. Some people are complaining that Robbie is stealing LoopRing's thunder by making it about himself and his company. The thing is: apes are happy to ask questions directly to LoopRing as well, but they gotta take initiative to engage us.

I think this controversy will resolve on its own. People are taking their pitchforks out for no good reason.

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