Dating as an Adult and Men Who Monologue

As a 31-year old man who considers himself socially adept and in tune with people when I converse with them, your comment is crap.


Because you blatantly stepped in to tell a woman her own experience is wrong and she needs to give guys a chance.

Do you think this hasn't already crossed her mind? Are you so patronizing that you couldn't resist the urge to comment at her and tell her she's wrong?

You say that you doubt her. Why would you feel the need to doubt someone sharing their experience online when she's clearly just chiming in with what she's found. Do you think she's lying to everyone else here? Do you think everyone here is overreacting?

I'm confident in say this: it is so fucking obvious that you are just another one of these guys everyone in the comments is talking about. You just don't realize it lol.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Parent