If you were the most powerful person in the world (xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin level of influence) what would you do with that power? What would you improve or remove?

I thought I was the dictator of some sort. I would definitely focus on the environment. I would want to re-wild certain forests, and try and re-populate species that have been poached. Poaching will be a death penalty and animal abuse will be extremely serious crime.

I also would switch to primarily to nuclear and renewable energy. I would aloe for a policy of complete religious freedom. Promote sex education to slow overpopulation.

The problem is is that the changes aren’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s that one person doing this all of the fast period of time with no checks and balances is basically communism. Democracy is slow but ultimately better than a dictatorship. Mao wanted to focus on improving agriculture but he ended up making it worse.

I don’t know how I had this question in the first place about being a dictator, but I thought about it a lot. There’s no scenario where I don’t end up going crazy and ending up like Polpot or Stalin.

These questions come up, because I’m genuinely afraid of Xi and Putin but I will ultimately become them. Strange how I ruminate about absolute power. Very concerned about myself

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