Seller : MyIDUK

Shipping (10/10)

I have ordered 5 ID's altogether and the first one took 6 days to come and the other 4 took 7 days to come. The delivery time of ID's was excellent especially for free shipping.

Communication (9/10)

I was updated every single step of the way. I was updated when my payment had been received, order processed and when the card had been shipped. I messaged myiduk on reddit asking some general questions and they were answered within 5 hours. After sales questions were a bit patch due to myiduk being really busy but eventually got the questions answered.

Stealth (10/10)

Perfect. The ID's came in an brown envelope that said 'PLEASE DO NOT BEND'. The envelope was made from thick cardboard. The ID was wrapped in white paper which made it near impossible for the ID to bend during transit.

ID Quality (8/10)

The ID is great but I feel the ID is just a tad thinner than the original and weighs a tiny bit lighter. Although the ID is lighter and thinner it still feels and looks genuine. The PASS logo is a tiny bit squint but its nothing that would make the ID be denied from anywhere. Out of the 5 ID's that I purchased only one of them was missing a UV logo but I'm in the process of getting a free replacement. The overall quality is fantastic.

Usability (10/10)

I doubted it would work at first but after it working for the first time using it in a small shop I was pleased with the usability of it. It works in most shops. The only way it gets declined is because the shop owner may not recognize the card and politely refuse sale. I've only been refused sale once but I have only tried it in a few shops and a couple of pubs. I have yet to try it in clubs. I am overall very pleased with the usability of the card.

Thanks MyUKID! I just want to clarify, I paid for this ID with my own money and am no way involved with the seller, this is my first fake ID, should I have missed anything in this review please PM me with any questions etc and I will answer and post them on here ASAP!

I will upload pictures soon.

/r/fakeid Thread