I am Natalie Bennett, Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales -- AMA

Hi Natalie, really hoping that we see some sort of shake-up to at least dislodge the firm grip the three major parties have on Westminster, I think we're all fed up with the limelight being placed on beneficial things such as marriage equality whilst policies that will invade our internet privacy are being rushed through Parliament.

My questions are this:

1) What is your personal, and your party's, stance on internet surveillance and the way that Cameron believes it is necessary to treat everyone in the country as a suspect in order to root out terrorism? Do you agree that any form of government intervention on a citizen's private data is a total breach of our right to privacy?

2) Tuition fees, if the Greens get in how likely are we to see them reduced or scrapped?

3) Legalisation of drugs, what's the party's main stance on this and how do they want to approach the overwhelming fact that the war on drugs is a lost cause and an economic black hole? As well as how beneficial legalisation for medicinal purposes can be to a country's economy.

4) Nuclear disarmament. I don't think any sensible human being truly wants to live in a world where the richest and most powerful countries have the liberty to point weapons at each other that could cause untold destruction. This barbaric state of affairs has to go, how far are you willing to go to see the United Kingdom rid of its nuclear arsenal?

5) Kinda further on from my last question, how important is the nationwide and worldwide redistribution of budgets with regards to military and scientific spending? I see it as an absolute travesty that this country isn't as leading in the world of science as it once was; I'd personally like to see more money going towards researching technologies that will let us explore space and the deep seas, rather than spending billions on aircraft carriers and new jets. Exploration of the solar system and the deep seas, in my opinion, furthers the long-term goals for humanity's survival.

/r/IAmA Thread